Sign-up below for the prospective buyers list for the planned litter by Bouldin’s Joe out of Sherling’s Molly.
Bred date: August 10, 2022
Estimated whelp date: October 14, 2022
Estimated wean date: November 25, 2022
This is not a commitment to buy or sell a dog.
By submitting this form you are indicating that you may be interested in buying a dog. The seller may be interested in selling you a dog after your submitted information has been reviewed and vetted. OBTESA is not an implicit or explicit party to the purchase or sale of a dog from this litter.
The Old-fashioned Black and Tan English Shepherd Association is a Tennessee non-profit public benefit corporation. We operate solely for educational and charitable purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. We work to preserve the unique qualities of the bloodline, to preserve the integrity of the bloodline, and to protect the longevity of the bloodline. Our strategy is to encourage sound genetic management and foster robust cultural appreciation.